Friday, March 14, 2008

Appalachian Solidarity Petition

Below is the letter to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI asking him to stand in solidarity with the land and people of Appalachia during his visit to the United States by raising awareness of the devastating practice of Mountain Top Removal. To sign this petition, please follow the link below.

To His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI

Most Holy Father:

Your visit to the United States will be during the season when the faithful will be continuing their celebration of the promise of hope that the risen Christ brings. Jesus’ commissioning of the disciples after his glorious resurrection where he tells them “I am with you always” (Mt. 28:20) takes place on top of the mountain to which He has called them. For the Lord has said, “Come to me on the mountain” (Ex. 24:12) and the Psalmist has proclaimed, “For the Lord is the great God…whose hand holds the depths of the earth; who owns the tops of the mountains.” (Ps. 95: 3-4)

Many people living in the Appalachian region of the United States are not able to go to the mountains because the mountains are no longer there. It has been estimated that over 500 square miles of the Appalachian mountain region, one of the worlds oldest and most bio-diverse environments, have been permanently destroyed by the coal-extracting process of mountain top removal (MTR). In addition to the permanent destruction of the mountains by this practice, there have been an excess of subsequent consequences that include, but are not limited to: excess flooding, water contamination, increased health problems as well as the loss of homes and jobs. These sins against creation are only further contributing to the fragile state of our environment and are outright desecrations of the dignity of human life.

In your World Day of Peace message on the first of this year, you emphasized the importance of proper and responsible stewardship of the earth’s energy resources. As long as we continue to allow the systematic destruction of the land and people of Appalachia, we will not be at peace. Your plea for technologically advanced countries “to invest sufficient resources in the search for alternative sources of energy and for greater energy efficiency” will not be heeded until the citizens of those countries recognize their own culpability in the destructive methods of fossil fuel extraction and are inspired to bring an end to the injustices against their own land and people.

We are asking you to have this bumper sticker, a symbol of solidarity with the Appalachian people, placed on the Popemobile to raise awareness of this issue that plagues the lives of so many. Increased education along with a revitalized commitment to the social teachings of the Catholic Church can make an immeasurable difference in the lives of so many and ensure the futures of many more.

In peace and hope, we are:

Appalachian Solidarity Petition

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